Fowler’s Syndrome Meeting 17th August 2016

This meeting took place on 17th August 2016, and was an opportunity to discuss various clinical conditions that other GPs may not have previously encountered. Several members were absent from this meeting due to unforeseen circumstances, and have sent their apologies. Dr Hussain presented the topic “Fowler’s Syndrome”, followed by a presentation by Dr Claire[…]

Management of COPD in Primary Care Meeting 17th August 2016

This meeting took place on 17th August 2016, and was an opportunity to discuss various clinical conditions that other GPs may not have previously encountered. Several members were absent from this meeting due to unforeseen circumstances, and have sent their apologies. Dr Hussain presented the topic “Fowler’s Syndrome”, followed by a presentation by Dr Claire[…]

Itching in Pregnancy Meeting 17th August 2016

This meeting took place on 17th August 2016, and was an opportunity to discuss various clinical conditions that other GPs may not have previously encountered. Several members were absent from this meeting due to unforeseen circumstances, and have sent their apologies. Dr Hussain presented the topic “Fowler’s Syndrome”, followed by a presentation by Dr Claire[…]