Dr Hussain presented “Magnesium: Is it the new Vitamin D?”. Dr Hussain had collated data, about Magnesium and its functions in the body as well as information regarding Magnesium deficiency and its causes, which she shared with the group. Dr Hussain also informed the group about some exciting information revolving around the potential use of Magnesium supplements to prevent and treat COVID-19 infection as well as its complications such as Long COVID and Lung fibrosis.
Key learning points included:
- Magnesium deficiency is much more common than we may have assumed
- There is no accurate laboratory test to assess total body magnesium status and normal serum levels do not exclude deficiency
- Only 1% of magnesium is found in serum
- Western diets are significantly deficient in Magnesium
- As GPs we need to be testing to check magnesium levels more often than we are doing currently, especially given the fact that there are many conditions and medications that predispose to deficiency
- Magnesium supplements should be considered even if serum levels are normal in relevant patients and so as GPs we may want to advise trials of treatment with supplements.
- The clinical presentation and pathophysiology of COVID-19 infection has features that are in keeping with Magnesium deficiency also.
- Magnesium deficiency may contribute to the onset, progress and severity of COVID-19.
- Magnesium supplements are relatively safe and may have a role in preventing and treating COVID-19 as well as its complications such as Long COVID and lung fibrosis.
The group agreed that the learning would be impacting everyone’s clinical practice going forward in a positive way. The presentation is attached below.
Please be aware that information in the field of medicine changes all the time, so we cannot guarantee the accuracy of this data when you read it, it is here for General Practitioners to learn.
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