Persistent Physical Symptoms Service Meeting 30th Jan 2024

This meeting took place on Tuesday 30th January 2024.  Dr Rachel McEnery was our guest speaker for the evening. She is a GP working within a specialised Persistent Physical Symptoms service in Bradford. Dr McEnery shared her knowledge on the science behind persistent physical symptoms (pps), how to explain PPS, helpful interventions and signposted the[…]

Palliative Medicine Refresher Meeting Tuesday 14th November 2023

This meeting took place on Tuesday 14th November 2023. Dr Rachel Sheils, Palliative Care Consultant at Overgate Hospice and Calderdale and Huddersfield Foundation Trust, presented a comprehensive Refresher on Palliative Medicine to the group. Topics included: The presentation and Q&A for the meeting are attached below as well as the Gold Standards Framework Proactive Identification[…]

Functional Neurological Disorders (FND) Meeting 12th July 2023 

This meeting took place on Wednesday 12th July 2023. Liz Farrar-Moyles, a local private specialist physiotherapist with an interest in neuro-rehabilitation and FND, shared her knowledge on functional neurological disorders with the group. Liz can be contacted via her website Key learning points included:  Liz has kindly agreed for her presentation to be uploaded to[…]

Fast Track Referral Criteria Meeting 23rd February 2023

This meeting took place on Thursday 23rd February 2023, and was a discussion about local guidelines for fast tracking referrals in suspected cancer cases.  Dr Hussain presented A Summary of Local Fast Track Guidelines for Suspected Cancer. The group discussed the criteria as a group and cases that we had referred/seen. Dr Hussain highlighted the changes in[…]

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Meeting 10th February 2022

Katy Winters shared her knowledge and perspective on Pelvic Floor Dysfunction as a physiotherapist. Her summary included the definition of pelvic floor dysfunction, risk factors, how to assess for prolapse, symptoms and signs of pelvic floor dysfunction and conservative management options. A few key learning points from the session are outlined below: Pelvic floor dysfunction[…]

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea/Hypopnoea Syndrome 21st September 2021

Dr Hussain presented a Summary of updated NICE guidance related to the Diagnosis and Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea/Hypopnoea syndrome.    Key learning points were:   Obstructive Sleep Apnoea/Hypopnoea Syndrome (OSAHS), Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome (OHS) and COPD-OSAHS overlap syndrome are common yet under-recognised conditions. It is estimated that 5 % of the UK population have[…]